Sunday, June 30, 2013

Export Development Board of Sri Lanka gets new Board of Directors

EDB Board of Directors with Minister Bathiudeen

The new Board of Directors was appointed to the Sri Lanka Export Development Board on 27th June. Here Industry and Commerce Minister Rishad Bathiudeen (fourth from right) and Secretary Anura Siriwardena (third from right) with the new appointees: From left: Rohantha Athukorala, Dr. Chameera C. Yapa Abeywardene, Nawaz Rajabdeen, Bandula Egodage (Chairman), Dr. Yousuf Maraikkar (Executive Director) and Sharass M. Zuaib.

The Sri Lanka Export Development Board, usually known as EDB, is Sri Lanka’s apex organization for the promotion and development of exports and was established in 1979 under the Sri Lanka Export Development Act No. 40. EDB is the executive arm of the Export Development Council of Ministers, which is the policy-making body of the EDB. It is headed by H.E. the President of Sri Lanka.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Expo Pakistan 2013 opens in Sri Lanka

Business Recorder

The High Commission of Pakistan in Sri Lanka in association with the Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP), formally launched The EXPO Pakistan 2013- Opportunities Unlimited on 24 June, 2013 in Colombo.

Minister for Industries and Commerce of Sri Lanka, Rishad Bathiuddin graced the occasion as the Chief Guest and jointly inaugurated the event, with the High Commissioner of Pakistan, Maj Gen Qasim Qureshi (Retd).

Chairman Export Development Board of Sri Lanka, Bandula Egodage, representatives of the main chambers of Sri Lanka i.e. Ceylon Chambers, National Chambers of Industries, Federation of Chambers of Commerce, Women Chamber of Sri Lanka and the members of Sri Lanka-Pakistan Business Council, along with major business houses such as Aitkens Spence, Ceylon Biscuit Limited, Akbar brothers, Calico, CW Mackie, Haleys, Macksons, Eswaran Brothers, Packages Lanka, Hands Logistics and Tunip Lanka attended the ceremony.

The Deputy High Commissioner of Pakistan gave detailed presentation on the EXPO Pakistan 2013, its history, concept, features and the logistics pertaining to the event.

High Commissioner of Pakistan, Maj Gen Qasim Qureshi (Retd), in his address said that the economic diplomacy is the primary focus of the new Government in Pakistan.

According to the policy guidelines issued, the Pakistan’s diplomatic missions abroad will undertake comprehensive steps to enhance and develop trade and commercial linkages with their host countries.
In case of Sri Lanka, formal mechanism such as the Free trade Agreement, Bilateral Investment Treaty, Customs Cooperation Agreement and the Agreement on Avoidance of Double Taxation are already in place.

He urged the business communities of both countries to make use of these mechanisms to take the economic ties to a new level.

He said that, all efforts will be made to attain the trade target of US $ 1 billion between Pakistan and Sri Lanka.

The Joint Economic Commission established between the two countries is due to meet in a few months; it will address the existing irritants in trade and consider other avenues to expand the economic ties between the two countries.

Speaking on the occasion, the Minister of Industries and Trade, Sri Lanka, welcomed the initiative of the High Commission to introduce the EXPO Pakistan 2013 in an interactive session to the business community of Sri Lanka.

Expressing his satisfaction on the progress and pace of economic ties between Pakistan and Sri Lanka, he said that concerted effort was needed on both sides to translate the excellent political relations into strong economic and commercial relations.

The Honourable Minister Rishad Bathiuddin announced that Sri Lanka under the aegis of Export Development Board will send a strong delegation to attend the EXPO Pakistan 2013.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Indo-Lanka bilateral trade tops $ 4bn

Daily News - 27/06/2013

Rishad Bathiudeen, Minister of Industry and Commerce welcomes Indian Commerce Secretary,
S. R. Rao on June 25 at the EDB premises in Colombo.
With bilateral trade crossing $ 4 billion, a new chapter has opened in Indo-Lanka trade ties with the first ever Joint Task Force (JTF) coming into play.

Strong signs of greater Indian market access for Lankan exporters and prompt resolution of trade barriers for them are the other developments in this new turn. “We are working to boost bilateral trade to $ 10 billion and as trade ties have improved greatly, the new understanding reached between both countries is a good sign for our bilateral trade future,” said Rishad Bathiudeen, Minister of Industry and Commerce of Sri Lanka on June 25 in Colombo.

Minister Bathiudeen was addressing the Indian delegation led by S. R. Rao, the Indian Commerce Secretary, on Tuesday at the EDB premises in Colombo. Rao was accompanied to Sri Lanka by Duleep Mehta, Indian DG Commerce and officials of Department of Commerce of India.

The bilateral trade between both countries totalled $ 4.087 billion in 2012 and in January-April 2013, it stood at $ 1.17 billion.

At the successful bilateral Secretarial level commercial cooperation session of June 24 where Indian side was led by S. R. Rao, Indian Commerce Secretary, and Sri Lankan side led by Dr. P. B. Jayasundera, Secretary to the Ministry of Finance and Planning-together with Anura Siriwardena, Industry and Commerce Secretary, both countries agreed on a process of speedy, immediate solutions faced by exporters at both ends.

As a result and henceforth, any Lankan exporter facing difficulties in Indian ports can immediately contact the Lankan Department of Commerce for prompt resolution of the situation at hand. The understanding reached at June 24 Secretarial level meeting has resulted in prompt dispute resolution and removal of non-tariff-barriers faced by Lankan exporters accessing the promising Indian marketplace.

On June 24 , Department of Commerce officials of both sides also successfully concluded the first ever Joint Task Force (JTF) meeting to be held between the two countries.

In 2012, to pursue an effective plan of action to reap the maximum benefits out of the existing mechanism the two governments have formed a Joint Task Force (JTF) that will include both government officials and private sector representatives. The Indo-Lanka JTF is now in operation.

Sri Lankan team at JTF was led by Anura Siriwardena, Secretary, Industry and Commerce while Indian team was led by Arvind Mehta, Joint Secretary – South Asia.

Apart from government officials, reps from private sector too joined the JTF sessions that continued successfully for more than two hours. Reps from Lanka National Chamber of Exporters, Indo-Lanka CEO Forum as well as the Joint Apparel Association of Sri Lanka (JAAF) were in the Lankan team while among the Indian reps were from the Pharmaceutical Export Promotion Council of India (Pharmexcil), Ashok Leyland and one of India’s leading infrastructure development and finance companies ‘Infrastructure Leasing & Financial Services Limited (IL&FS).

During the June 24’s first JTF session, both sides discussed in depth as to ways and means of boosting trade cooperation to new levels.

Indian reps focused, among others, on increasing investments and trade in Sri Lanka in textiles, pharma and automotive component export manufacturing while Sri Lankan reps, in discussing their requirements, highlighted maximum utilisation the FTA and removal of export quotas.

“We are very happy of the results of the meetings we held so far in Colombo,” said Secretary Rao. “The Joint Task Force (JTF) on bilateral trade also completed its first ever meeting on June 24 . The JTF has also decided to meet once in every three months.

We are looking forward to the second JTF meeting in October or November this year,” Rao said. “We want to see Sri Lanka’s exports to India growing further.

Japan to boost SL’s banana exports

Japan’s ITOCHU Corporation will help further strengthen Japan-Sri Lanka trade ties under which investments are to be for expanding the island’s banana and tuna fishing industries and greater export opportunities will be provided for products.

Kouhei Watanebe, Chairman , the Japan - Sri Lanka Business Co-operation Councial and  advisor to ITOCHU corporation said this when he and the corporation’s representatives met Economic Development Minister Basil Rajapaksa at the ministry office on Tuesday June 25.

Chairman Watanebe added that ITOCHU was also focusing on developing Sri Lanka's infrastructure, transport sector and environment-friendly coal power plants. According to him President Mahinda Rajapaksa too had discussed these during his last visit to Japan.

Minister Basil Rajapaksa said there was a very good market for banana, pineapple, rambutan and other fruits grown in Sri Lanka where the cultivation was being expanded with government assistance.  He also said that areas like Batticaloa and Kalpitiya were areas most suitable for the cultivation of marine plants and rearing sea leeches.  

The Economic Development Minister admitted the prawn industry here was facing setback at the moment but there is opportunity for improving it.  Referring to investment opportunities in the area of exports, he said it is Sri Lanka which meets 95 percent of the world’s cinnamon requirements.

Minister Rajapaksa added that the peace which now prevails in the country, political stability, environment friendliness, 24-hour power supply and the availability of skilled labour had attracted many foreign investors.

Industry and Commerce Ministry Secretary Anura Siriwardena and a number of senior officials of the ITOCHU Corporation including its General Managers Masazumi Nishikage (Planning and Administration), Kenji Tanaka(Marine Products) attended the discussions.

Lanka, Pakistan trade to reach US$ one bn mark

Daily News - 26/06/2013
by H.D.H Senewiratne

Pakistan High Commissioner Maj Gen Qasim Qureshi at the event. 
The total value of trade volume between Sri Lanka and Pakistan could be increased to US$ one billion soon with the free trade agreement between both countries in place. At present total value of trade volume was US$ 460 million, Pakistan High Commissioner Maj Gen Qasim Qureshi said.

“The Pakistani new government has given concrete instructions for the forward march of foreign policy and is now crafting a strategy to engage in economic diplomacy with Sri Lanka to increase trade,” High Commissioner Qurshi said at a media conference to announce the 8th Expo 2013 in Pakistan. The event was to be held from of September 26 to 29 in Karachi.

He said that with the economic relationship with both countries they needs to focus on trade balance to expand the trading spectrum to non traditional sectors other than the existing traditional exports/imports to reach the total value of US$ one billion target soon.

Maj Gen Qureshi also said that when they sign the trade agreement in 2005 total value of the trade between the two countries were US$ 45 million. Now it has reached more than US$ 460 million and Sri Lanka could increase more export volumes to Pakistan, which has many openings owing to the free trade agreement, he said. He said that trade ministers of both countries will be meeting to improve trade opportunities and also to iron out difficulties in trade. For that a comprehensive proposal would be drafted in the future to reach trading targets, he added.

Minister of Industries and Commerce Risad Bathuideen said growth in trade and our export to Pakistan grew by 10 percent last year. The Minister said that at present trade has increased by 357 percent with the signing of the free trade agreement between the two countries. To reach the US $ one billion target they would lead a strong business delegation to Pakistan soon, Minister Bathuideen said.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Sri Lanka seeks unrestricted market access from India for Sri Lankan exports

Sri Lanka has sought increased market access from India for Sri Lankan exports as a solution to balance the growing trade deficit with India.

Sri Lanka made this request during a discussion with an Indian delegation arrived in the country to discuss trade and investment.

Indian delegation led by S.R. Rao Commerce Secretary, Government of India arrived in Sri Lanka to discuss trade and investment matters with a Sri Lankan delegation led by Dr. P.B. Jayasundera Secretary, Ministry of Finance and Planning and Secretary, Ministry of Economic Development.
The official talks between the two governments on trade, investment and economic cooperation, co-chaired by Dr. Jayasundera, and the Indian Secretary Rao, were held on 24-25 June 2013 in Colombo.

Anura Siriwardena, Secretary Ministry of Industry and Commerce and Prasad Kariyawasam, High Commissioner of Sri Lanka in New Delhi also were in the Sri Lankan delegation.

The bilateral trade between India and Sri Lanka surpassed US$ 5 billion mark last year but the trade turnover is not equally distributed and Sri Lanka has continued to experience higher trade deficit with its leading trade partner.

During the discussions the Sri Lankan delegation has pointed out that this trend is not viable and there is a need to take steps to increase exports from Sri Lanka to India.

Both sides have agreed that there was considerable potential to expand bilateral trade, in a balanced manner through optimal utilization of the opportunities available between the two economies.

As a solution, the two delegations have agreed to review the respective negative lists and address the removal of non-tariff barriers while establishing a mechanism for resolving trade disputes.

Both sides also agreed to expand the bilateral trade to US$ 10 billion over a period of 3 years, with due recognition to increasing exports from Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka has emphasized the importance of addressing the growing trade deficit with India and requested market access, by removing prevailing quantity restrictions in the apparel, tea and pepper.

India has offered 8 million pieces of apparel to enter the Indian market without restrictions with immediate effect.

The Sri Lankan side has asked the facilitation of entry of value added products including apparel, high end tea, value added rubber products, floriculture and spices in to the Indian market to help moving ahead progressively towards higher export growth and investments.

Both sides have agreed that there was a need to resume ferry services between Colombo and Tuticorin and also Thalaimannar and Rameswaram.

The Indian Commerce Secretary has emphasized the need for targeted Indian investment with a view to assisting Sri Lanka widen its export base and enable integration into regional supply chains including in the automobile parts and light engineering and pharmaceutical sector.

The Sri Lankan side has emphasized the importance of bringing in more investments in the form of joint venture projects to encourage Sri Lankan private sector and state enterprises to work together in several areas.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Lanka, Eu trade on the rise

Daily News - 24/06/2013

Minister Bathiudeen with Ambassador Bernard Savage
As bilateral trade volume closes in on the crucial $ 5Bn mark, historic dialogue between Sri Lanka and the European Union appears to bolster even further. “We look for better trade levels and also thank EU for its on-going support,” said Rishad Bathiudeen, Minister of Industry and Commerce.

Minister Bathiudeen was addressing Ambassador Bernard Savage (Head of the Delegation to Sri Lanka and the Maldives from the European Commission) on 20 June during Amb. Savage’s farewell courtesy call on Minister Bathiudeen at the EDB premises, Colombo.

According to the Department of Commerce of Sri Lanka, there is an increasing trend in trade and the balance of trade between the two parties has been in favour of Sri Lanka during last nine years.

Total trade between Sri Lanka and EU which was at $ 3 bn in 2004 rose $ 4,946.18 mn in 2012. Sri Lanka’s major export items to EU are apparel, diamonds, tea and rubber products.

EU is also one of the most diversified investors in Sri Lanka, with leading European companies operating in almost all sectors of economy-specially, FMCG, higher education, apparel, infrastructure, manufacturing, agro, technology and even in strategic development projects.

Such EU multinationals as Unilever and British American Tobacco are well embedded to Sri Lankan lifestyle with their decades long FMCG presence.

The UK, Germany, Italy, Belgium, France and Sweden are the leading EU members with investments in Sri Lanka. EU’s specific investment segments include hosiery, knitwear, surf sails, electronic products, light engineering, rubber based products, (e.g. tyres), coir based products, gem and jewellery, diamond processing, tourism and recreational products, security printing, infrastructure development, activated carbon, food processing, computer software, ICT etc. “EU is our number one global trade partner. Our bilateral trade volumes show continuous growth and it has become a major element in our relations.

We look for better trade levels and also thank EU for its on-going support not only on trade aspects but even in various development initiatives here” said Minister Bathiudeen.

“Our cooperation with Sri Lanka is wide ranging including the assistance in tsunami and development. Even bilateral trade levels are showing a rising trend” Amb. Savage added.

According to the EU delegation, more than $ 148 mn (€ 112 mn) also has been earmarked for Sri Lanka under the 2007-2013 “Development Cooperation Instrument”.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

China to open doors to Lanka’s apparel sector

The Sunday Times - 23/06/2013

By Bandula Sirimanna

 Sri Lanka’s apparel industry is to get a big boost as the world’s largest textile producer, China is exploring possibilities of opening its huge domestic market to the island’s garment exports, an industry heavyweight said.

Secretary General of the Joint Apparel Association Forum (JAAF) M.P. Tuly Cooray told the Business Times that their umbrella body is to enter into an agreement with the China National Garment Association to allow access for Sri Lankan apparel industrialists to penetrate the Chinese domestic market and also set up joint ventures to produce internationally branded products for overseas markets.

A high-powered, 20-member delegation from the Chinese association visited Sri Lanka recently and held preliminary discussions towards signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) enabling Chinese apparel makers and top global retailers to shift their orders to Sri Lanka due to the rising labour cost in that country, he revealed. He noted that they aim to get duty free access for apparel from

Chinese authorities through another MOU recently signed between China and Sri Lanka to improve and strengthen bi-lateral economic relations between the two countries, particular on trade investment and tourism.

The JAAF has been advocating in the past two years for the need to negotiate market access instruments with new and emerging markets particularly with China as a priority market because of enormous potential it offers.

Although, China is also a top global exporter of apparel, China also imports apparel and in 2012 imports amounted to US $4 billion, he said.

“Our apparel industry which has evolved to be a mature international player is now a supplier to many leading brands and no longer supplies to the low end of the market,” he said.

Sri Lanka has carved out a niche market for itself and does not consider China to be a competitor as it aims to supply to higher end of market by manufacturing for Chinese local brands as well as exporting international brands through manufacturing bases in Sri Lanka, he added.

The vision of the industry is also to make Sri Lanka the apparel hub for Asia as Sri Lanka is no longer a basic manufacturer but a total solution provider with front and back end services to their clients, he revealed.

“Since China is switching over to the higher segment of the market and also the hi-tech industry, the country will need to import garment products. We should seize the opportunity to export our goods there,” he said.

“China has the world’s most complete industry chain, the most skilled workers and the most advanced production equipment, but they don’t have a world famous brand,” he said adding that “Sri Lankan apparel industrialists have already established links with world famous brands like Abercrombie & Fitch, Victoria’s Secret, Next, Levi’s, Marks & Spencer, Reebok, GAP and Banana Republic”.

Sri Lanka’s apparel exports to China were US $15 million in 2012. “With high level of GDP growth and rising per capita income the expanding middle class offers a lucrative market not only for foreign brands but also for Chinese local brands.

Processed food exports top $ 73 m

Sunday Observer - 23/06/2013

“In 2012, 26% of total food and beverages exports were processed foods, at $ 73.4 million.

Our overall processed food exports which stood at $ 67.1 million in 2010 rose to a strong $ 95 million in 2011,” said Minister of Industry and Commerce, Rishad Bathiudeen at the launch of the first International Food Safety and Compliance training sessions for Sri Lanka’s food exporters by Associate Professor of the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition of the Washington State University, Food Scientist, Dr. Barbara Rasco, were held at the Ministry of Industry and Commerce.

The pioneering session was organised by the Sri Lanka Food Processors’ Association and the Ministry of Industry and Commerce with the Spice Council and VEGA-FEG. The sessions were held from June 11 to June 21.

Dr Rasco has contributed to 200 published scientific papers on Food Science.

She (with Dr Bledsoe) published the first book on Intentional Food Contamination, considered as a criminal practice, in which companies were shown how to deal with food terrorism.

She has worked with hundreds of firms, including Starbucks, Coca Cola, Kraft US, Dole, Cargill Inc and American Sea Foods. “Dr Rasco is a great contributor to global food science specially in the integration of the legal and technical aspects and tries to come up with practices for the global industry to make the overall value chain of food, much safer,” said Minister Bathiudeen.

“This type of awareness sessions are an urgent need which is being fulfilled today, considering that in 2012, 26% of total food, and beverages exports were processed foods totalling to $ 73.4 million. Our processed food exports which stood at $ 67.1 million, in 2010 strongly increased to $ 94.84 million in 2011. In 2012, it stood at $ 73.4 million. The slight decline is a result of the on-going, global market turmoil,” he said.“My Ministry has been extending considerable support to build Sri Lanka’s food processing sector. We allocated $ 197,000 to the Sri Lanka Food Processors Association for this initiative. The other key initiative is the annual Pro-Food Pro Pack exhibition. The 11th exhibition in this series will be held in August at the BMICH,” the Minister said.

“Dr Rasco’s main contribution to Food Science is the integration of the legal and technical aspects and trying to come up with rational practices for the global industry to make the overall value chain of food, safer.

“This is an export sector with strong potential and we need this type of initiatives to sustain our competitive edge,” he stressed. “I am happy to help Sri Lanka’s food industry to secure its exports competitiveness,” said Dr Rasco, who has extensive working background in 30 countries - mostly in Central, South and South East Asia. “Despite the difficulty to get into new export markets and despite being expensive, your food operators and exporters are doing the right thing by following regulatory compliance,” she said. “Americans are beginning to look for spicy food from Sri Lanka. I see new opportunities for Sri Lanka’s full bodied spicy food exports in the US,” Dr Rasco said.

“Representativess from more than 20 leading firms, including Elephant House and Coca Cola took part,” said Administrative Secretary of Sri Lanka Food Processors Association, Ivan Peiris. “This is the first time that a program of this nature took place in Sri Lanka.”

EXPORT DEVELOPMENT BOARD Ministry of Industry and Commerce Sri Lanka Partner Country Pavilion

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Rishad, top Washington scientist start Lanka’s first Food Compliance - 19/06/2013

For the first time in Sri Lanka’s exports history, on June 11, a renowned global food scientist began  to extensively train Lankan food exporters on the much needed international regulatory compliance rules.

Rishad Bathiudeen, Minister of Industry and Commerce of Sri Lanka said that processed food has grown to become a key component of Sri Lanka’s overall annual food exports. In 2012, 26% of total food and beverages exports were processed foods, at $ 73.4 Mn. Sri Lanka's overall processed food exports which stood at $ 67.1 Mn in 2010 rose to a strong $ 95 Mn in 2011 added the Minister.

Minister Bathiudeen was addressing the launching ceremony of fist International Food Safety and Compliance Training session by globally renowned Food Scientist Dr. Barbara Rasco, Associate Professor of the Department of Food Science & Human Nutrition of the Washington State University for Sri Lanka’s food exporters at the Ministry of Industry and Commerce.

The pioneering session was organised by the Sri Lanka Food Processor’s Association with the support of Minister Bathiudeen’s Ministry of Industry and Commerce in partnership with the Spice Council and VEGA-FEG. The sessions commenced on 11 June will continue up to 21 June.

Dr. Rasco, one of the few professionals in the world simultaneously practicing Food Law and Food Science as a Food Scientist, arrived in the island on Saturday (08 ).

She published the world’s first  book (with Dr Bledsoe) on intentional food contamination, considered as a criminal practice in which companies were shown how to deal with food terrorism. She has worked with hundreds of firms - including Starbucks, Coca Cola, Kraft US, Dole, Cargill Inc and American Sea Foods.

“I am happy to help Sri Lanka’s food industry to secure its exports competitiveness. I am also impressed with the level of sophistication of Sri Lanka’s food industry. You are very proactive” said Dr Rasco, who admitted her strong liking for Sri Lankan Jaggery and hot curries, and stressed: “despite the difficulty to get in to new export markets and despite being expensive, your food operators and exporters are doing the right thing by following regulatory compliance.”   She further said that Americans are beginning to look for spicy food from Sri Lanka and there will be new opportunities  for Sri Lanka’s full bodied spicy food exports in US.

Reps from more than 20 leading firms-including Elephant House and Coca Cola participated in the session.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Sri Lanka makes their presence felt at the Paperworld 2013 exhibition held in Frankfurt

The Paperworld International Trade Fair is  a specialized fair for office supplies, school supplies, stationery and paper products held annually. It is an important venue for developing new contacts and maintaining existing business relationships for Sri Lankan exporters in the printing and stationery industry.  It is well recognized by buyers to source gifts and premium products including Office and School Supplies and Christmas Decorations. 

Paperworld 2013, held in January 2013 at Frankfurt, Germany which provided a great opportunity for exhibitors and trade visitors to study and analyze the position of the competitors and global market trends in products and  prices.  It also provided an insight into innovative and eco friendly products made of environmental friendly materials.

Facts at a glance
 2,967 exhibitors and 83,206 visitors from all over the world participated in paperworld  2013

  • Everything revolved around tomorrow’s trends, impulses and business opportunities.
  • 66 countries presented their latest products and marketing concepts at the Paperworld, Creativeworld and Christmas world trade fairs in Frankfurt.
  • With its comprehensive complementary programme, Paperworld was also a valuable source of impulses and ideas: important trends, such as the presentation of themed and product worlds, commercial purchasing, multi-channel strategies and sustainability, were taken up in business programmes, special presentations and forums.
  • Almost 300 people attended Procurement Business Programme, which was aimed at buyers of commercial office materials from private companies and public authorities with 100 or more office workplaces. This is an increase of 70 percent over last year.

 Sri Lankan Participants – Country pavilion organised by EDB –Sri Lanka

  • Amoha Pvt Ltd (Back to Earth)
  • PrintXcel
  • Graphic Sytems (Pvt) Ltd
  • Nalaka Stationary
  • CIC Holdings 
  • Toppan Forms 
  • Madhawee Printers

Recommendations made by the Sri Lanka Consulate General in Frankfurt Germany

Paper world, creative world, and Christmas world is an emerging market in Europe.
It presents enormous business opportunity for businesses in Sri Lankan in terms of presenting their creative and production capacity. It also gives an opportunity to Sri Lankan companies to meet with companies that are looking for prospective business partners in the east.
After the successful completion of Paperworld this year we encourage companies to make arrangements in advance to participate in next year’s event.
Contact the trade division of the consulate for further information and assistance

‘More Americans looking for Lankan spiced food’ – Dr Rasco

Daily News - 19/06/2013

For the first time in Sri Lanka’s exports history, a renowned global food scientist began on June 11 to extensively train Lankan food exporters on the much needed international regulatory compliance rules. And processed food has grown to become a key component of Sri Lanka’s overall annual food exports.

“In 2012, 26% of total food and beverages exports were processed foods, at $ 73.4 mn. Our overall processed food exports which stood at $ 67.1 mn in 2010 rose to a strong $ 95 mn in 2011,” said Rishad Bathiudeen, Minister of Industry and Commerce of Sri Lanka on June 11 in Colombo. Minister Bathiudeen was addressing the launch event of fist International Food Safety and Compliance Training session by globally renowned Food Scientist Dr. Barbara Rasco, Associate Professor of the Department of Food Science & Human Nutrition of the Washington State University.

The pioneering session was organised by the Sri Lanka Food Processor’s Association with the support of Minister Bathiudeen’s Industry and Commerce in partnership with the Spice Council and VEGA-FEG. “Dr Rasco’s main contribution to Food Sciences is the integration of the legal and technical aspects and trying to come up with rational practices for the global industry to make the overall value chain of food, safer. These types of awareness sessions are an urgent need, specially considering that 26% of our Food and Beverage exports consist of Processed Foods as we face global export turmoil,” said Minister.

“This is an export sector with strong potential and we need this types of initiatives to sustain our competitive edge” he said.

“I am happy to help Sri Lanka’s food industry to secure its exports competitiveness. I am also impressed with the level of sophistication of Sri Lanka’s food industry. You are very proactive,” said Dr Rasco, who admitted her strong liking for Sri Lankan jaggery and hot curries, and said, “Despite the difficulty to get in to new export markets and despite being expensive, your food operators and exporters are doing the right thing by following regulatory compliance.”

“Americans are beginning to look for spicy food from Sri Lanka. I see new opportunities for Sri Lanka’s full bodied spicy food exports in US.” He said.

“Reps from more than 20 leading firms-including Elephant House and Coca Cola- will be taking part in this session which will continue till June 21, ” said Ivan Peiris, Administrative Secretary of Sri Lanka Food Processors Association. “This is the first time that such an extensive programme of this nature is taking place in Sri Lanka,” Peiris added.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Sri Lanka Economic Summit from July 9-11

Daily News - 08/06/2013

The 14th annual Sri Lanka Economic Summit which scheduled to be held from July 9-11, 2013 in Colombo will have one of its sessions discussing about Sri Lanka's export strategy.

The Government policy framework has targeted to raise the rate of growth in exports to double that of GDP growth, but exports as a % of GDP have halved from year 2000 to 2012. The share of exports of Sri Lanka as a percentage of world exports has also declined over the years to reach 0.06% by 2011. The basket of merchandise exports from Sri Lanka as well as our exports markets have remained largely unchanged over the last few decades. The foregoing situation and change in the global economic scenario, with Asia gaining ground over the West, require us to rethink our export strategy given the importance of exports to a small economy targeting to achieve sustained high economic growth in the future.

Leading economists and key exporters have been invited to discuss and identify changes required to current strategy to rejuvenate the exports sector in Sri Lanka.

The keynote note speaker of this session will be Dr. Premachandra Athukorala, Professor of Economics at the Australian National University and Honorary Professorial Research Fellow at the University Of Manchester, UK.

Sri Lanka cinnamon exporters required to adhere to specifications

Colombo Page News Desk - 15/06/2013

Senior Minister for International Monetary Co-operation Dr. Sarath Amunugama has proposed to make it mandatory for Sri Lanka's cinnamon exporters to adhere to the specifications for Sri Lanka standard for exporting of cinnamon.

The proposed measure is aimed at preventing the export of low quality cinnamon and enhancing the production of cinnamon in the country sustaining the livelihood of more than 350,000 families engaged in the industry, the government says.

The Cabinet has approved the Minister's proposal to submit the Gazette Extraordinary notification on the specifications to Parliament for approval.

Sri Lanka is one of the world's leading exporters of cinnamon, producing about 85 percent of international output. The USA and Mexico are the main buyers of Ceylon Cinnamon.

Cinnamon is currently the dominant spice in Sri Lanka in terms of the foreign exchange earnings.

Sri Lanka plans to increase the cinnamon exports to a target of one billion US dollars by 2015, the Sri Lanka Export Development Board (EDB) says.

Ornamental fish export revenue surpasses $ 7 m

Sunday Observer - 16/06/2013
By Lalin Fernandopulle

The demand for ornamental fish has increased with its revenue surpassing $ 7 million, said a major ornamental fish exporter at an event to record Sri Lanka winning 30 awards at the recently concluded Aquarama 2013 ornamental fish competition in Singapore.

He said that revenue from ornamental fish exports last year was $ 7.52 million and added that the industry targets a higher revenue this year with more fish breeders showing a keen interest to enter the ornamental fish export market.“The ornamental fish industry has a bright future. The lack of new species is a major hindrance to boost exports,” a fish breeder said.Ornamental fish breeders have called upon the government to support the industry and encourage more fish breeders to create a vibrant export market. Fish breeders said that adding new varieties with more export incentives for breeders will help enhance export revenue.

They said that the export of ornamental fish is a lucrative industry and that policy makers should focus on developing the sector.“Foreign buyers order large stocks, but we can only provide half the quantity they order due to the lack of species,” a fish exporter said.

Seventeen Sri Lankan fish breeders participated in the Aquarama, one of the largest ornamental fish exhibitions held biannually in Singapore. The competition comprised 10 major ornamental fish exporting countries. Sri Lanka was ranked second in the competition.

Sri Lanka's export revenue dipped by eight percent in the first quarter this year. Export income declined in recent years partly due to low external demand. The Export Development Board (EDB) will draw up a strategic plan to boost export revenue, said the new chairman of the EDB, Bandula Egodage.

He said that the ornamental fish export sector has huge potential to be a major revenue spinner. “We plan to boost the export industry,” he said.

Sri Lanka's export revenue is currently around $ 10 billion. The EDB targets an export revenue of $ 20 billion by 2020.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Sri Lanka exports 2% of world’s ornamental fish supply

Rishad Bathiudeen (Minister of Industry and Commerce) greets a Lankan award winner of the AQUARAMA 2013 on 12 June at the EDB Premises, Colombo as Sujata Weerakoone (DG- EDB-far left),Bandula Egodage (Chairman-EDB, second from left) and Yousuf Maraikkar (Executive Director-EDB-fourth from left) look on .

Minister of Industry and Commerce of Sri Lanka Rishad Bathiudeen yesterday revealed that Sri Lanka have more than 2% share of the global ornamental fish market which is around US$ 340 million. “We are also now recognised as one of the best ornamental fish suppliers to the international market.”

Bathiudeen was addressing the press briefing held at the Export Development Board (EDB) to announce Sri Lanka’s strong achievements at the AQUARAMA 2013 event in Singapore.
More than 300 competitors from 10 countries, submitting 1,350 entries, were taking part in the highly competitive AQUARAMA 2013 international ornamental fishery event held in Singapore from 28 May to 2 June.

Seventeen Sri Lankan firms, facilitated and sponsored by EDB, competing in the event won 30 awards, which was symbolically re-awarded by Minister Bathiudeen with his praise, yesterday.

“Sri Lanka has been placed as the second largest award winner, at the Asia’s biggest, international ornamental fish and accessories exhibition AQUARAMA 2013, which is a great achievement for this sector. We won 30 awards at the 2013 Singapore event and stands as the second, in comparison to Singapore which is the number one ornamental fish exporting country, in the world,” Minister Bathiudeen said.

The ministers also added: “Therefore, this is not only a honour for Sri Lanka but also an important development for our ornamental fish industry. EDB has sponsored 17 participants at this event and submitted 232 entries in various fish categories. In the commendable 2012 budget proposals by the President Mahinda Rajapaksa, provisions have been made to upgrade facilities of exporters to increase the quality of fish exported from Sri Lanka.

“This is another stepping stone, towards our US$ 20 billion export target, by 2020. The value of ornamental fish exports in 2012 stood at US$ 7.52 million. The major export markets, for our aquarium fish are; Japan, USA, UK, Germany and France. We began ornamental fish exports in 1950’s. Sri Lanka have more than 2% share of the global ornamental fish market, which is annually around US$ 340 million. I am pleased to say that now we are recognised as one of the best ornamental fish suppliers to the international market.”

Live Tropical Fish Exporters Association Co-President Rohan Fernando, addressing the event said: “The backbone of fish exports are the fish breeders of this country. But exporters have been starving without new species to breed and export. Fortunately, the AQUARAMA event, promoted by EDB here, has come to the rescue.”

In the budget proposal 2012, provisions have been made to set up/upgrade quarantine and withholding facilities of exporters to increase the quality of fish exporting from Sri Lanka. The EDB is the implementing agency for the program.

Sri Lanka, Austria talks on development projects

Daily News - 13/06/2013  

External Affairs Minister Professor G L Peiris meets Austria's Vice Chancellor (Deputy Prime Minster) and European and International Affairs Minister Dr Michael Spindelegge

The growth of bilateral trade between Sri Lanka and Austria, despite the economic recession in Europe and the steady increase in direct foreign investment from Austria augur well for the future of relations between Sri Lanka and Austria, External Affairs Minister Professor G L Peiris said.

He said this during a meeting on Tuesday with Austria's Vice Chancellor (Deputy Prime Minster) and European and International Affairs Minister Dr Michael Spindelegge at the Foreign Ministry in Vienna.

The ministers noted that Austrian companies are showing increasing interest in bidding for major infrastructure development projects, while others have already undertaken construction projects in Sri Lanka, including the Greater Colombo sewerage system rehabilitation project.

The Sri Lankan government has concluded negotiations with Austria on several major development projects including the supply of railway steel bridges and auxiliary supplies and services, construction of the Kochchikade bridge, enhancement of facilities at the Advanced Technical Institute in Kandy and the provision of protective fences at railway crossings.

The ministers agreed that it is timely to focus on strengthening economic ties, taking advantage of the stable and peaceful environment for increased trade.

Minister Spindelegger welcomed the initiative by Sri Lanka's Embassy in Vienna, in association with the Export Development Board,  to arrange a visit by a trade delegation to Austria this year, as a follow up to the visit by a business delegation from Austria to Sri Lanka in June 2011.

They noted that Austrian companies are active in several fields in Sri Lanka, including the manufacture of electrical goods and the provision of services in the tourism sector.

Prof Peiris told Dr Spindelegger that the Sri Lankan government is engaged in a massive reconstruction programme in many areas of the country, and that there are extensive opportunities for further investment by Austrian companies, especially in tourism, power generation, agriculture and fisheries.

Dr Spindelegger welcomed Prof Peiris and expressed pleasure that a visit by a Sri Lankan Foreign Minister to Austria is taking place after the lapse of 10 years.

He recalled his meeting with Minister Peiris in New York on the sidelines of United Nations General Assembly three years ago, and welcomed the opportunity of continuing their bilateral discussions. He also referred to the visit of Dr. Wolfgang Waldner, State Secretary of Foreign Affairs of Austria to Sri Lanka in April last year, and his discussions with Minister Peiris in Colombo. The ministers discussed an extensive programme of activities, planned for next year, to mark the 60th Anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Sri Lanka and Austria.

Sri Lanka's Honorary Consuls in Graz and Salzburg, as well as the Austrian Honorary Consul in Sri Lanka will play an active part in the implementation of this programme. Minister Peiris said that Austrian President Dr Heinz Fischer visited Sri Lanka on several occasions in a private capacity in the 1980s, and that he is most welcome to visit the country again. Prof Peiris suggested that it would be useful to establish a mechanism at senior official level for annual bilateral consultations to review progress and to identify new areas of collaboration.

He said it is of particular importance, in view of Austria's current capacity as Vice-President of the Human Rights Council, to provide a detailed briefing on progress with regard to implementation of the recommendations of the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission.

He explained the steps taken so far in a structured manner, on the basis of priorities, and the developments envisioned in the near future. In discussions with Reinhold Lopatka, Austria's State Secretary for European and International Affairs Prof. Peiris said that Sri Lanka has established a University for the Visual and Performing Arts, and requested Austria to support this institution with academic exchanges and scholarships, especially in the fields of Music and the Visual Arts.

During his two day official visit to Austria, Minister Peiris held discussions with Neugebauer, Second President of the Austrian National Council, Yuri Fedotov, Director-General of the United Nations Office in Vienna and Lassina Zerbo, Executive Secretary-Elect of The Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Organisation. He had bilateral talks in Vienna with Tomas Dub, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic. He delivered an address on “The Place of Sri Lanka in Europe's outreach to Asia” at the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna, one of the oldest diplomatic training institutes in the world.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Nestlé Lanka VP takes over as EDB Chairman

Rishad Bathiudeen, Minister of Industry and Commerce hands over the Letter of Appointment to Bandula Egodage, (Left) the new Chairman/CEO of Export Development Board.

A corporate affairs and communications professional from one of the world’s largest food and beverage multinationals has been appointed as the new Chairman of the Export Development Board (EDB) of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce.

Minister of Industry and Commerce Rishad Bathiudeen yesterday appointed Nestlé Lanka PLC Vice President of Corporate Affairs and Communication Bandula Egodage to the helm of EDB.
He will continue in his permanent position at Nestle Lanka. The new appointment follows the resignation of Janaka Ratnayake late last year.

Egodage, who has been with Nestlé Lanka PLC for the last 28 years, also has comprehensive experience in rural development (particularly in relation to dairy), exports (coconuts), external and public affairs and local and international government and regulatory engagement. He is a past student of Dharmasoka College, Ambalangoda.
Also present during the occasion were EDB Director General Sujatha Weerakoon, Nestlé Lanka PLC MD Ganesan Ambalavanar, EDB Executive Director Dr. Yousuf Maraikkar and Ministry of Industry and Commerce Secretary Anura Siriwardena among others.

The European Seafood Exposition (ESE) - 2013

Sri Lanka Stall at the European Seafood Exposition

The European Seafood Exposition (ESE) is the world's largest seafood fair. Attracting buyers and sellers from over 140 countries around the world and featuring the stands of over 1,600 exhibitors. The European Seafood Exposition is the global can't-miss fair for the seafood industry.

Since the ESE is the most prominent fair for the seafood sector and also considering the Europe as Sri Lanka’s key market, Sri Lanka has been participating regularly at this fair since 2007.  The previous participations have brought tangible outcome for Sri Lanka’s fisheries export sector.

The Sri Lanka Export Development Board (EDB) with the assistance of the Sri Lanka Embassy in the Belgium Organized  a Sri Lanka pavilion at the European Seafood Exposition (ESE) held in the Belgium from 23rd to 25th April 2013.

Six Exhibitors from Sri Lanka participated in the ESE 2013

1.Aloy Expo (Pvt) Ltd
2. Tropic Frozen Foods (Pvt) Ltd
3. Tess Agro
4. Global Sea Foods (Pvt) Ltd
5. Serendib Foods (Pvt) Ltd
6. Deshan International Imports and Exports (Pvt) Ltd