Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Sri Lanka: Promising Business Destination

-Asian Tribune-
Prof. Peiris Addresses Trade and Investment Event in Beijing
External Affairs Minister Professor G.L. Peiris was the principal speaker at the event “Sri Lanka: Promising Business Destination” organized in Beijing on Tuesday at the Intercontinental Hotel by the Embassy of Sri Lanka and the Export Development Board.

Professor Peiris explained to the leading Chinese investors and representatives of the corporate sector of China present at the event, the main advantages which Sri Lanka is able to offer today, as a destination for investment and trade. Key officials of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade participated in the event. One of the salient features of this programme was the emphasis on matching arrangements between Sri Lankan and Chinese companies for the purpose of increasing volumes of trade between the two countries.

The expansion of Sri Lanka’s economic relations with China received a sharp emphasis in the bilateral discussions which took place in Beijing and Xian during the State Visit by President Mahinda Rajapaksa to the People’s Republic of China.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Ayurveda Expo 2013 from July 12-14

Sunday Observer (26/05/2013)

Ayurveda Expo 2013, the international indigenous healthcare exhibition organised by the National Chamber of Commerce of Sri Lanka (NCCSL) will be held at the BMICH from July 12 -14.
The exhibition is held for the fourth consecutive time in Sri Lanka in collaboration with the Ministry of Indigenous Medicine, Ministry of Industry and Commerce and the Export Development Board.
The objective of the exhibition is to showcase the potential of Sri Lanka's indigenous medical sector and its products and services for the tourism industry.
Ayurveda 2013 Steering Committee Chairman Thilak Godamanna said many Sri Lankan and Indian organisations engaged in indigenous medical product manufacturing and services have already reserved stalls.
He said delegations from Japan, India, Germany, South Africa and China (Shanghai) have confirmed participation in the exhibition.
A Symposium on South Asian Traditional Medicine will be held on July 13 at the same venue, where world-renowned professionals in the sector will make presentations on the latest research findings in the sector.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Release of handbook on the “India-Sri Lanka Free Trade Agreement”

- Asian Tribune -

High Commissioner of India Ashok K. Kantha hands over a copy of "Handbook on the India-Sri Lanka Free Trade Agreement" to Minister of Industry and Commerce Rishad Bathiudeen at the Taj Samudra
A Handbook on the India-Sri Lanka Free Trade Agreement was released on 15 May 2013 by Rishad Bathiudeen, Minister for Industry and Commerce, Government of Sri Lanka and Ashok K. Kantha, High Commissioner of India. The handbook was brought out by the High Commission of India in collaboration with the Institute of Policy Studies, Sri Lanka.

Mr. Anura Sirwardena, Secretary, Ministry of Industry & Commerce, Mr. Saman Kelegama, Executive Director, Institute of Policy Studies, Mr. Vish Govindaswamy, President, India-Sri Lanka Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ISLCCI), Dr. Indrajith Coomaraswamy, Director, Pathfinder Foundation, Mr. Sunil G. Wijesinha, President, National Chamber of Commerce, Mr. P. Kumaran, Deputy High Commissioner, Mr. Manish, Economic & Commercial Counsellor, members of Indo-Sri Lanka Chamber of Commerce & Industry, representatives of various business houses, India CEOs, officials from government departments and media representatives participated in the event

Ministor of Industry and Commerce Rishad Bathiudeen
In his remarks at the event, Rishad Bathiudeen noted that India and Sri Lanka were inseparable friends with a vibrant and growing economic and commercial partnership which had witnessed both trade and investment expanding greatly in recent years. Over the past decade or so, the India-Sri Lanka Free Trade Agreement (ISFTA) had made a substantial contribution in bringing 70% of Sri Lankan exports to India under the FTA, while only about 30% of the Indian exports to Sri Lanka were being made under the FTA. At a time when Sri Lanka’s traditional markets in the West were showing slow recovery from the global economic crisis, the growing markets in Asia, including that of India, provided a great opportunity for enhancing Sri Lankan exports via the ISFTA. As a result, in 2012, imports from India stood at 19% of the overall imports of Sri Lanka (largest source of imports to Sri Lanka), while Sri Lanka’s exports to India stood at 5.8% of overall exports of Sri Lanka (3rd largest destination for Sri Lankan exports), with total trade between the two countries amounting to US$ 4.2 billion.

Pathfinder Foundation Director Dr. Indrajith Coomaraswamy
Dr. Saman Kelegama, Dr. Indrajith Coomaraswamy and Mr. Vish Govindaswamy, during their remarks, sought to dispel the misconceptions surrounding some of the criticisms of the ISFTA. Although there was a commonly-held misconception that a FTA between a large and a small country would appear to bring all benefits for the larger country, if the asymmetry between the two countries was duly accommodated by recognizing the principle of Special and Differential Treatment (SDT) for the small country, a “win-win” situation could be worked out.

This asymmetry was accommodated in the ISFTA right from the outset, by offering a longer tariff liberalization period for Sri Lanka, a larger negative list, favourable rules of origin, etc. This had enabled more than 70% of Sri Lankan goods to be exported to India via the FTA (83% in 2011) compared to less than 30% for India (13% in 2011). The Import-Export ratio between Sri Lanka and India had declined from 10.3 to 1 in 2000, to 6.4 to 1 in 2012. Had the FTA not happened, Sri Lankan exports to India would have been considerably less than what has been achieved and the trade deficit would have been much larger, given the large volume of Indian exports being made outside the FTA. It had to be noted that the trade deficit with India got somewhat compensated by the large capital flows from India to Sri Lanka in terms of FDI, aid, etc. Thus, there was little logic to use the trade imbalance alone as a guide to assess the progress of an FTA.

In his address, Ashok K. Kantha, High Commissioner of India, recalled the urgent need to promote further Indo-Sri Lankan trade by various stakeholders including the Governments of Sri Lanka and India, Chambers of Commerce and Industry of both the countries and above all the businessmen and entrepreneurs, and to take them to the next level.

The High Commissioner highlighted that in 2011-12, India’s imports from Sri Lanka went up by almost 45% to cross US$720 million, making Sri Lanka the largest source of merchandise from the South Asian region for India. This was a big jump from the US$45 million imports in 2000-01, when Sri Lanka occupied 4th rank as an import source for India in the region. Sri Lanka’s exports to India had multiplied by over 16 times in this period, while India’s exports to Sri Lanka had gone up by less than 7 times. There was thus no doubt that the FTA had brought significant benefits to both sides, but more to Sri Lanka. A number of top Indian companies had displayed high interest in Sri Lanka, investing in the country across sectors such as infrastructure,

manufacturing, services, and construction. The cumulative FDI approvals for Indian investments stood at about US$ 1 billion since 2003, with investment inflows of US$160 million in 2012. Nearly US$ 2 billion worth of FDI had been committed by Indian companies for the next five years or so. However, the investment flow was by no means one-sided as Sri Lankan companies too were finding substantial opportunities in the large Indian market, leveraging FTA provisions. The bilateral economic cooperation today extended across multiple areas of engagement, including trade in goods and services, tourism, infrastructure, education, science and technology, and agriculture. Air connectivity had gone up manifold and there were about 120 flights a week between Colombo and eight destinations in India; almost one-fifth of tourist arrivals in Sri Lanka was from India. The beneficial synergy in bilateral economic relations was best illustrated by the container traffic of Colombo Port, which handled nearly thirty percent of the container transshipment business of India; India-linked cargo, in turn, accounted for over three-fourths of the Port’s total container transshipment volume.

The High Commission er made a special emphasis on the impetus generated during the landmark visit of. Anand Sharma, Minister of Commerce, Industry and Textiles, Government of India, to Sri Lanka from 3-5 August 2012 coinciding with the inauguration of the “The India Show – Land of Limitless Opportunities”. During the visit, the two governments had set an ambitious target of doubling bilateral trade to reach US$ 10 billion by the year 2015. It was also decided to take several key steps to further deepen trade and investment relations, including by focusing on increasing Sri Lanka’s export capacity with promotion of manufacturing of products like automobile parts, engineering products and pharmaceuticals, with Indian investments and forging linkages across the production and supply chains of the two countries. To take these proposals forward, the two governments had constituted a high-level Joint Task Force.

Highlighting the non-reciprocal concessions granted by the Government of India in recent months, the High Commissioner said India had taken several key initiatives, including allowing export of 8 million pieces of garments to India by Sri Lankan exporters (condition of importing fabric from India for exporting 5 million pieces of garment removed); issue of import permits for processed meat for one year (earlier it was six months); allowing import of two additional fruits, namely Rambutan and Mangosteen from Sri Lanka; proposing to enter into a Customs Cooperation Agreement and signing a Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement.

Both Rishad Bathiudeen and the High Commissioner conveyed their sincere appreciation to the Institute of Policy Studies of Sri Lanka for partnering with the High Commission in bringing out the handbook. The High Commissioner also acknowledged the support received from the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India, and the various government departments and the chambers of commerce and industry in Sri Lanka.

The ‘Handbook on the India-Sri Lanka Free Trade Agreement’ aims at facilitating a better understanding of the close economic and commercial partnership that has resulted between the two countries following the entry into force of the FTA. Although there is a lot of information and literature on the ISFTA, they remain scattered. The handbook attempts to bring this scattered information together to assist the business community and other stakeholders to obtain a better understanding of the ISFTA. In addition to a brief analysis on what has happened so far under the ISFTA, the handbook reproduces the Free Trade Agreement and technical details relevant to the Agreement such as the Negatives Lists, Rules of Origin, etc., and agencies dealing with the ISFTA.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Sri Lanka sees 10.3% industry surge in 2012

Daily News - 2013-05-20

Rishad Bathiudeen, Minister of Industry and Commerce, unveils the CNCI Gold Achiever Award at Cinnamon Grand as Kumara Kandalama, SG/CEO of CNCI, and Preethi Jayawardena, Chairman, CNCI look on Picture by Saliya Rupasinghe
As Sri Lanka experienced a 10.3 % industry surge in 2012, Sri Lanka’s historic industry growth rate appeared to exceed the growth rate of its own GDP.

“Lankan historic industry sector growth has surpassed even the national GDP growth rate-in that, the industry ‘value addition’ to the GDP in 2012, is 62 times to that of 1960 when CNCI began at only US $ 269 million. Our industrial exports too, increased by 28 %, in 2011,” said Rishad Bathiudeen, Minister of Industry and Commerce addressing the CNCI Achiever Awards 2013 launch event held at the Cinnamon Grand on May14 .

“This is a valuable SAARC networking opportunity, for our industries,” said Minister Bathiudeen.

“Our GDP in 1960 was only $ 1.4 billion but today it is $ 60 billion growing by more than 42 times. As the Minister of Industries I am pleased to say that our industry sector growth in this period has surpassed even the national GDP growth rate-in that, the industry ‘value addition’ to the GDP in 2012 is 62 times that of the value addition in 1960 which was only US $ 269 million.”

“Our industrial exports too increased by 28%, in 2011. The other notable development is the growth in private sector involvement in our industrial sector. This is clearly evident in more recent times. Especially in the period, of 2001 to 2010, Sri Lanka’s private sector industrial participation has almost doubled.”

“The private sector industrial participation index,” which was at 110.2 in December 2001 increased by 96.2%, to a huge 216.2 by December 2010. Despite this our “Public Sector Industry Output” did not decline. In fact, the “Public Sector Industry Output Index” has been on a growing trend, and in 2011 it increased by a strong 20 percent. Our Industry sector grew by 10.3% in 2012 and even the overall GDP rose by 6.4%.”

For the 11 year period, of 2002 to 2012, 2,250 new patents and 2,581 new designs were registered in Sri Lanka by the National Intellectual Property Office, under my Ministry. 15,774 trademarks too were successfully registered. These are positive developments, for our industrial growth,” he said. Associated Newspapers of Ceylon is the media sponsor for the event.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

International Food & Drink Exhibition - 2013

17th to 20thMarch 2013 - London

by Udeni Wijekoon - EDB

Maliban Biscuit pvt Ltd exhibits their products
The Sri Lanka Export Development Board (EDB) with the assistance of the Sri Lanka High Commission in the UK proposes to organized  a Sri Lanka pavilion for the first time at the International Food & Drink Exhibition held in the United Kingdom from 17th to 20th March 2013.

A group of following 5 exhibitors from the food & beverage product sector was assisted to participate at this fair.
  • Wichy Plantation Company Pvt Ltd
  • Renuka Agri Foods Plc 
  • Maliban Biscuit pvt Ltd
  • Ceylon Biscuits Ltd 
  • Ceylon Tea Land  (Pvt) Ltd

Renuka Agri Foods Plc exhibits their products
The IFE has been the UK’s largest and most important food and drink trade show since 1979. The entire international food and drink community gathers at IFE once in every two years to source new products, meet the trade and keep up with industry trends. It targets the food and drink industry across the retail, catering, manufacturing and wholesale sectors and attracts importers and distributors not only from the United Kingdom, but also from the other European and the Middle East countries. The IFE 2013 showcased around 1,200 exhibitors and attracted 27,180 visitors from 86 countries. 

Stall of Ceylon Biscuits Ltd
The EDB reserved a space of 36sq.mtrs. for the Sri Lanka pavilion to accommodate 05 exporters. A panel comprising of members from the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Sri Lanka Tea Board, Department of Commerce, and EDB interviewed the applicants.
The applicants were evaluated on multiple criteria including their export performance, production capacity, product suitability and experience in the export market, future export plans and managerial capability. 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

International Conference on Economic Development

An International Conference on Economic Development, Joint Venture Partnerships and Eco Tourism has been organized by the Business and Professional Women Sri Lanka from August 10 to 12 at the BMICH.
Speaker Chamal Rajapaksa, Water Supply and Drainage Minister Dinesh Gunawardena, Economic Development Minister Basil Rajapaksa, Investment Promotion Minister Lashman Yapa Abeywardena and Board of Investment (BOI) Chairman Dr Lakshman Jayaweera are to participate in this event as chief guests.
The main objective of the conference is to form joint venture partnerships in business, commerce, infrastructure development, tourism and information technology.
The conference facilitates business to business opportunities amongst the participants in coordination with the BOI, Export Development Board, Sri Lanka Tourist Board and other relevant authorities.

'Get Sri Lankaned' campaign in Mumbai

By Leanne Zara Rodrigues | Mumbai

Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau has announced that its second mega joint promotional campaign, 'Get Sri Lankaned', will be held in Mumbai from May 17-20, 2013. The campaign, which aims to showcase Sri Lanka as a tourist destination for Indians, was first held in Bengaluru earlier this year. The announcement was made by Bashwara Gunarathna, Chairman, Sri Lanka Tourism, along with Muthu Sivalingam, Deputy Minister of Economic Development, Government of Sri Lanka and Sanath Jayasuriya, Member of Parliament, Sri Lanka and Brand Ambassador of Sri Lanka Tourism, at a press conference. The campaign is scheduled to cross over to Delhi, Hyderabad, Kochi and Ahmedabad in the next few months. Get Sri Lankaned will begin with a press conference and will be followed by 'Sri Lanka Night', which will see participation from Indian film and sports celebrities, and will include a Sri Lankan Cultural Show and food festival.

Sri Lanka Tourism, under the Ministry of Economic Development, will organise the campaign in partnership with state associate partners such as SriLankan Airlines, Sri Lanka Cricket, Sri Lanka Tea Board, National Gem & Jewellery Authority, Sri Lanka Export Development Board, National Film Corporation Of Sri Lanka, Board of Investment of Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka Convention Bureau, and The Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority. Associate partners for the campaign include Taj Hotels Resorts & Palaces, Tourist Hotel Association of Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka Association of Inbound Tour Operators, and Association of Small and Medium Enterprises in Tourism Sri Lanka.

Gunarathna said, “India is a priority market in terms of tourism and one of the key potential markets consisting vast opportunities for growth in the sector. Sri Lanka is a beautiful destination, featuring a range of attractions. Pristine beaches of Hikkaduwa, Benthota, Arugum Bay, Nillawalli and Pasikuda, notable sights like Adams Peak, Sigiriya, Mahaweli Ganga and St Claire’s waterfall, World Heritage Sites like Naka Vihara, Cenotaph War Memorial and the National War Memorial are a few must-visits in the country." The Bureau is looking at setting up a tourism office in India by September 2013 to help tap the leisure segment, said Gunarathna.

"Last year we saw a total of 170,000 Indian tourist arrivals, which is the biggest number from a single country. With the promotion of the Get Sri Lankaned campaign across various cities in India, we are looking at increasing these arrivals to 400,000 by 2016, thus helping Sri Lanka achieve its goal of 2.5 million visitors by 2016,” he added.

Working in tandem with the travel trade, the campaign will feature an array of activities, including media briefings, 'Sri Lankan Evenings' with fashion shows, Sri Lankan food festivals, B2B meetings, and travel and investment forums between the travel trade of the two countries.

“Sri Lanka makes for an ideal destination for Indian travellers due to factors such as proximity and nearly 100 flights of SriLankan Airlines, Jet Airways and Air India travel between the two countries. SriLankan Airlines operates in eight Indian cities, offering easy connectivity,” said Gunarathna.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Gulfood 2013 - Dubai, UAE

25th - 28th February 2013

Sri Lanka Pavilion at Gulfood-2013
 The Sri Lanka Export Development Board (EDB) in collaboration with the Sri Lanka Consulate General in Dubai in UAE organized  Sri Lanka pavilion at the Gulfood 2013 International Fair  held on Dubai, UAE from 25th - 28th February 2013.

The Gulfood International Fair is one of the most established events in the world for buyers to source food & beverage products. The EDB has identified Gulfood Trade Fair held annually   in   UAE to promote Sri Lankan food and beverage products. It caters not only to the UAE but also to the Middle Eastern and African markets as a whole.

Gulfood 2013

The eighteenth  edition of the annual food and hospitality trade show – as an event that has grown consistently over the last twenty-six years to become a significant driver of the food and beverage trade for global markets. It is clear that Gulfood delivers substantial business contracts and facilitates unrivalled trade opportunities for both regional and international businesses.

About 4,200 companies from 110 countries are showcasing their latest products and technology solutions at this year's exhibition, which covers a space of approximately 113,398 sq m. The number of trade visitors to the show were70,000 among the companies and brands participating in the event were  are Barry Callebaut, Bon Cafe, Dilmah, Electrolux, General Mills, Hershey's, IPS, Knorr, Lipton, Sadia, Tetrapak, Unilever and Valrhona.

Gulfood’s host city, Dubai is a long-established gateway to the Middle East’s burgeoning markets and plays a key role in the success of the exhibition. Strategically  located at the crossroads of important shipping routes across the Atlantic Indian and Pacific oceans, Dubai remains well-connected to the Gulf States, North, South, West and East Africa, and the Indian subcontinent. Adding to its excellent location, the city’s state-of-the-art business infrastructure and logistical facilities also make it an important market for food exports and re-exports. Nearly 50 per cent of the food imported by the UAE is re-exported to other GCC countries in addition to Russia, India, Pakistan and East Africa.

Sri Lanka’s Participation at Gulfood 2013 

  • Ceylon Fresh Teas (Pvt) Ltd
  • Zakir Sha Exports Pvt Ltd
  • Food & Nature (Pvt) Ltd
  • Ceylon Biscuits Limited
  • Finlays Colombo Plc
  • NMK Agro Industries (Pvt) Ltd
  • Bio Extracts (Pvt) Ltd
  • Ceylon Cold Stores Plc
  • Expolanka (Pvt) Limited
  • Mabroc Teas (Pvt) Ltd
  • G.P. De Silva & Sons Int’l (Pvt) Ltd
  • Adamjee Lukmanjee & Sons (Pvt) Ltd
  • Edna Chocolates (Ceylon) Limited
  • Adamexpo
  • Ceylon Agro Products Holdings

Footwear & Leather Fair 2013

8th to 10th   February 2013 – BMICH, Colombo
Final Press Release

“Footwear & Leather Fair 2013”   organized by the Sri Lanka Export Development Board (EDB) in Association  with the Ministry of Industry & Commerce  , Industrial Development Board (IDB), Sri Lanka Footwear & Leather Products Manufacturers  Association  concluded successfully on the  10th February 2013 at the Sirimavo  Bandaranaike Memorial  Exhibition centre at BMICH.   This was the 5th of its kind, previous fairs been held in year 2007, 2009, 2010 & 2012.

The fair was ceremonially inaugurated by The Chief Guest Hon. Basil Rajapaksa Minister of Economic Development of Sri Lanka.  Hon. Rishad Bathiudeen, Minister of Industry and Commerce of Sri Lanka and Hon. Douglas Devananda, Minister of Traditional Industries and Small Enterprise Development, were the guests of honor at the event. H.E Mahinda Rajapaksa The President of Democratic and Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka visited the fair on the 10th of February, 2013 on the invitation of Hon. Rishad Bathiudeen Minister of Industry and Commerce of Sri Lanka.

The Fair consisted of 213 trade stalls displaying Footwear, Leather products & travel goods,    raw material, machinery, components and other related services. Local Manufacturers of  footwear , leather goods , travel goods ,components & accessories and  local and foreign importers of raw material  &  components  exhibited  their products at this fair .There was a  special  Display only area in the Hall A  organized for the exporters and  potential exporters. Sri Lanka’s top brands of Footwear & Leather Products were displayed at this fair. More than 20,000 people including importers, agents, suppliers manufacturers and the public visited the fair.

The main objective of this fair was to give recognition to the Industry locally and internationally. Identifying  most creative and skilled SME manufactures  to be developed as potential exporters, building  linkages  of SMEs with the large scale manufacturers,  create awareness  of the opportunities  available for  Industrialists  in the  international market are among the other  objectives .

Sri Lanka is renowned for its apparel Industry. The buyers of garments from Sri Lanka buy their leather goods from neighboring countries.  The EDB’s intention is to promote our Footwear & Leather Industry to attract these buyers to buy their footwear leather products also from Sri Lanka.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

SL Embassy in Dubai to host road show

(Daily News - 2013/05/08)

by Shirajiv Sirimane in UAE 

Ambassador of Sri Lanka in UAE, Dr. Mahinda Balasuriya with Head of Marketing, Airport Aviation Services of Sri Lanka and new Chief Executive Officer, Mattala Rajapaksa International Airport, Derick Karunaratne at the ATM, Sri Lanka stand. Picture by Shirajiv Sirimane

The Sri Lankan Embassy in Dubai would organize a mega three day Road Show in UAE in September to promote tourism and draw more investments to Sri Lanka. The new Ambassador of Sri Lanka in UAE, Dr Mahinda Balasuriya, speaking to Daily News Business said that this Road Show would be conducted in three main states in UAE, Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Fujairah.

 He said that he had already contacted the main Chamber in UAE and they had pledged support for the event.

 “We will conduct this event with the assistance of the Foreign Ministry of Sri Lanka and would also seek assistance of the Ministry of Tourism, Export Development Board, National Gem and Jewellery Authority and relevant government bodies.” Former Inspector General of Police, Ambassador Dr Balasuriya said, that he was using the ongoing Arabian Travel Mart to woo local travel companies to visit this three day event and showcase their products.

 Balasuriya said the UAE tourism sector was expanding rapidly and they were on the lookout for staff. “I am planning to have a Sri Lankan Job Bank where all the CVs could be stored and then offered to companies as and when there are vacancies. I have also spoken to some of the leading hotel chains who are ready to employ Sri Lankan hotel school graduates for one year, on a training basis and then absorb them to their permanent cardre.”

 During training, they would be offered food and accommodation and an allowance. “Similarly, I am also looking for other employment opportunities for Sri Lankans, specially in the health, education and telecom sectors and I am currently working with the UAE chambers in this regard,” he added.